All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program

Business Administration


Business Administration


commercials, verification, ads, revenue, advertisers


During the past decade, changes affecting advertising have been more profound than in any comparable period, including the years following the advent of radio. These changes have been in response to the changes in the values of our society, such as the concern for ecology and for pollution, the impact of consumerism and the widen role of government. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential of radio advertising which can become a vehicle of some significance to national advertisers. This paper will present radio broadcast stations, network, and spot advertising in Chapter One also there will be a discussion on Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation, each refers to technical method uses to superimpose sounds, such as music and speech, onto a radio wave. Chapter Two explains the effective radio commercial and tools for the radio commercial. Chapter Three will identify factors that can effect a commercial's performance which performance can be changed by copywriters. Most commercials tested were announcers ads', and for this type of advertising, it is shown brand name repetition increases recall, whereas number of included in a commercial has no effect on recall. Chapter Four will look at a radio station which it has the option whether it wants to air any commercial or not. This is a feasible substitute for government intrusion in advertising and consumer protection known as the clearance process.


Title page: An Evaluation of Effective Radio Advertising Techniques and Startegies

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