All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program

Business Administration


Business Administration


management, human resources, change, decision-making


Organizational behavior is the study of why people behave the way they do in organizations. An understanding of the behavior of people in organizations has become increasingly important as we find ourselves involved with organizations and the management of people. The study of organizational behavior attempts to provide the manager with the information necessary to allow him/her to analyze each situation and to prevent problems before they arise. The topic of managing change is one that comes closest to describing the totality of a manager’s job. Virtually every time a manager makes a decision some type of change occurs. The problems that managers feces is two-fold; one, the ability to become knowledgeable about the work environment and two, how to assess employees reaction to different situations. As the environment in which organizations operate become more complex, the organization’s ability to adapt its resources to the demands of the environment become extremely important. Management has to make a continual effort to understand the environment and effectively implement change as to ascertain an organization’s success. This is accomplished by understanding what motivates the employee, the communication level which is needed to achieve organizational objectives, and allowing the employee to participate in their overall decisions regarding the job. As companies grow, there is an increased need to be able to move with increasing technology advances. Some companies attempt at managing change fail i. because of the inability to effectively analyze employees behavior and providing the feedback necessary to accomplish organizational goals. Knowledge about motivation, leadership, empowerment, and determinants of behavior are all important in understanding how change processes can be managed effectively. My research explores the history of organizational behavior and how management can effectively implement change through the study of human behavior. It asserts that employees will often tend to resist change because of factors such as; economic, social, security, skill, and competence reasons. My research will also explain the importance of recognizing the factors of influencing behavior, and the different approaches used by managers to produce change that lasts.

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