All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program

Business Administration


Business Administration


value, models, growth, manufacturing, utility, global


Today business environment has changed dramatically from the past. These changes emphasize the important of location decision and also add a new perspective to it. Wisely made, location decision can be a major business scheme that gives a company its competitive edge. Companies find themselves dealing with more complicated issues regarding location selection. Factors that used to play big roles in location decision were easily quantified. Now, such factors have been lessened in their importance and being replaced by new factors that are difficult to be quantified. Organizational changes also require a different approach to deal with location problems.

As a result, there is a need for decision making tools that help organize numerous factors involved, both qualitative and quantitative. Several multi-criteria decision making techniques were introduced with regard to location selection. The scoring model provides simple and effective method for making appropriate decision. The objective of this research is to illustrate the performance of the scoring model that can be used as a decision making tool for location selection.

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

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