All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Arts & Sciences




Catholic education, Religious Orders, Christian Denominations, Higher Education, College President, University President, Academic Leadership


The American college and university president or chancellor of the twenty-first century must not only be a competent administrator, but a moral leader as well, capable of providing leadership that gives an institution a moral compass. This is dramatically more important as the first decade of the twenty-first century comes near to a close and as the United States and world economies hover on the brink of collapse brought on, in part, be a lack of morality on the part of leaders in the world of business and finance. Throughout the history of the United States, institutions of higher education have been the reaction chambers of change and progress. Great college and university presidents have often been called on to speak on behalf of causes, great and small, from the bully pulpit of the academy, long respected as a place of superior intellect and ingenuity.

Document Type

Open Access Capstone Project

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