All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Science (MS)
College of Education & Allied Health
Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
First Advisor
Robert A. Portnoy
auditory, errors, pica, clinician, rehabilitative, Vari speech, comprehension
The aphasic patient's need for a decreased presentation rate of auditory stimuli has been documented by the researcher, clinician, and aphasic individual throughout the literature. The dilemma arises in attempting to develop an optimal form of presentation for slowed speech input to the aphasic individual. Five adult aphasic subjects were presented the Token Test under three conditions of treatment: 20% expanded speech utilizing the Lexicon Vari Speech II and presented through the use of a tape recorder, a tape recording of the examiner's attempt to slow speech, and slowed speech presentation live voice. Obtained scores indicated a significant difference between the three testing conditions. The live voice and tape recorded presentations provided optimal listening conditions for four of the five subjects. The results can be interpreted through comparisons of the method utilized by the Vari Speech II to slow speech (by prolonging phonemes within words) and the method utilized by the examiner to slow speech (increased interword pause time). The implications of the results indicate that by slowing speech input to the aphasic individual through the .use of increasing interword pause time, the clinician can improve the person's comprehension of auditorally presented material.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Colick, Edie Renee, "The Effects of Three Conditions of Slowed Presentation Rate on the Auditory Comprehension of Aphasic Adults as Measured by the Token Test" (1981). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 12.
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