All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Bachelor of Arts (BA)


College of Education & Allied Health


Communication Disorders and Deaf Education


educationally handicapped, academic, nonverbal, grade standards


The hearing impaired child is educationally handicapped because of his lack of achieving language through the ordinary channel — hearing. He would be given half a chance if that were his only problem. The deaf child who is further handicapped by a learning disability delays his educational achievement even beyond that of a singly-handicapped deaf child because he is not only limited by his means of acquiring language but also limited in the amount and number of language and language principles he is able to learn. This is the slow learning deaf child; he is doubly handicapped in his struggle to learn — to learn language, reading, speech, lipreading, and content areas. He is the child who has been neglected and overlooked for many years in educational history because he does not differ from the normal enough to be noticed. But he is calling teachers to his attention and is being heard by more educators and administrators.


Original copy bound in Deaf Education Theses 1968. Manuscript 12 of 14.

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