Freer Spirit, 1972
You all read and think and imagine (I hope!). – Peggy Porcelli
Peggy Porcelli more-or-less single-handedly takes on the campus news vacuum, possibly from her dorm room. We don’t know a lot about the particulars of the Freer Spirit, just that it appears in the wake of the Free Spirit, citing “a lack of interest” in its forerunner and “the budget cuts.” There is no doubt, however, about its mission.
The Freer Spirit aims to bring information to the Fontbonne Community, to stimulate some thinking, and to serve as a means of communication for all. This is not meant to be a journalistic endeavor rather it is meant to be a sounding board and an idea sheet. The Freer Spirit wants to hear your reactions. It thrives on your ideas and opinions. It will try to present fresh news.
The pages of the Freer Spirit are a testament to their time. Eager to make a difference in the world, the editor covers local and events on campus, state news, national politics, and all the important social issues of her time (including promotions for a Wonder Bread boycott and an unnecessary buying campaign – No More Shopping Days Till Peace!). The cobbled contents include opinion pieces, articles on state politics and organizations, candidate bios for state and national elections, and numerous reprints from other publications. Stitched together with poetry, photos, and whimsical drawings, the short-lived publication offers a snapshot of campus life at the time.
We do not have a complete run of the Free Spirit. If you have copies of issues that you would like to donate to the Archives, please let us know!