Presenter Information

Peter Ribic, Fontbonne University


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Event Type



AB 203 / Zoom

Start Date

1-30-2023 11:00 AM


Bring your lunch and learn from your colleagues! Brownbag lunch presentations will be held four times this semester with different faculty members presenting topics that may be helpful to you.


Brownbag lunch presentations will be held four times this semester with different faculty members presenting topics that may be helpful to you.

ua-cetl-2023-01-30-Ribic-audio.m4a (50298 kB)
Audio Recording

ua-cetl-2023-01-30-Ribic-cc.vtt (39 kB)
Closed Caption File

Jan 30th, 11:00 AM

Writing Across the Curriculum: Supporting Student-Athletes as Writers | Brownbag Series

AB 203 / Zoom

Bring your lunch and learn from your colleagues! Brownbag lunch presentations will be held four times this semester with different faculty members presenting topics that may be helpful to you.


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