All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Business Administration
HIV, benefits, disease, virus, insurance, privacy
This research encompasses a corporation's response to AIDS in the workplace. The AIDS epidemic presents an enormous challenge for many groups and organizations in today's society. Facing this escalating event is not only costly but very destructive within the internal/external affairs of an organization. The fear of contraction from other coworkers and education about the subject is one of the main foci of this issue.
The corporate heads are worried about the problem of AIDS in the workplace in almost all aspects. They are concerned with federal laws protecting workers with AIDS, union's opinions, and arbitration and compensation issues. Testing for AIDS is another important issue. Since there are different types of testing, it is necessary to know the pros and cons of each method. It is also important to implement an effective testing policy which will help in identifying and protecting employees.
AIDS in the workplace has been a complicated issue with corporations. Analyzing the framework of the problem, dealing with affected employees,*and determining if an employee can still perform effectively while having the AIDS virus, are some of the basic problems that corporations are responding to. Studies have proven that the one very effective measure in dealing with this crisis is education. Educating employees and having a written policy to deal with AIDS affected workers is a smart move and must be encouraged.
The way the corporate heads respond to the issue of AIDS in the workplace will really determine how well we will survive this epidemic and our future as a society.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Chikeluba, Kenneth Ifeanyi, "Corporate Response to AIDS in the Workplace" (1993). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 287.
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