All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Business Administration
technology, data, software, hardware, systems, schools, teachers, technology
Computer technology is beginning to have a significant impact on almost every aspect of our lives. It is hard to imagine an organization, whether large or small, that does not or could not advantageously use a computer in its operations.
The advent of low-cost, state-of-the-art computers has opened a door for education that could not have been imagined only a decade ago. Educational computing that was once available to only a few students in a few schools and districts has now become almost commonplace-even in the smallest school. Educators have been encouraged to use computers to improve learning in the classroom.
Chapter 1 will provide an introduction to computer use. Everyone should be knowledgeable about computer systems, i.e., monitor, keyboard, CPU,— printer, and software. In addition, computer education and its importance, as well as usage in education will be discussed. More specifically, the advantages and disadvantages of computer use in education will be covered.
Chapter 2 will give an overview of the application and management in computer education. The primary focus in the computer-based management system is on the computer's data-gathering and data interpreting aspects. The use and management of computers in schools will be studied.
Chapter 3 will demonstrate interactive videodisc and CD-ROM technology. The future of computers in education in this field will be explored. Issues of ethics will be explored in this part as well.
Chapter 4 is the summary and conclusion regarding computers in education.
Based on the author's research analyses, it is predicted that in the next decade or two, computer will revolutionize both the industrial and academic world. According to market research firm, BIS Strategic Decisions, businesses using personal computers increased from 15.8 percent in 1985 to 61.2 percent in 2 1993.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Suksai, Porntip, "Computer Use and Applications in Education" (1993). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 280.
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