All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Business Administration
employees, management, hourly, scheduling
This thesis has many goals. Understanding these goals and the evaluation of a particular company in the Telecommunications Industry, however, requires certain ground rules. These are: that the company explored and researched intends to remain anonymous, and will be referred to as Blue Co. Secondly, the contemporary topic of Flextime and Compressed Work Scheduling (Flex/cws) is not in current use by Blue Co. The policy of "Exchange Time" is used by the firm. With these ground rules established, the goals and evaluation of this Thesis will become Clear to the reader.
The paper has three major parts and a conclusion. Each part is concerned with implementing and evaluating the use of Flex/cws for Blue Co.
Part I introduces the nature of Flex/cws scheduling, its purpose, and original intent within the work place. This part also relates transitions and innovations in scheduling (example: Exchange Time and Job Sharing), while further defining possible alternative scheduling methods.
Part II involves specific situations encountered at Blue Co., and relates these to comparative findings of other firms that use Flex/cws. This may or may not give credibility for Blue Co. in selecting alternative scheduling; however, it does further evaluate possibilities for the company. The variables used to evaluate situations under alternative scheduling include management, employee, and productivity considerations, which are necessary for a thorough evaluation.
Part III considers constraints upon the system, such as time management, communication network pressures, and regular management functions. Is implementation feasible? Time management and productivity goals are desired by Blue Co. Costs and benefits are weighed in relation to a possible plan for implementation of Flex/cws. Determining how goals are met by Flex/cws at Blue Co. in the future is of great importance.
The Conclusion is a summary of the evaluation, and is recommended specifically to Blue Co. for future consideration.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Hillestad, Thomas John, "An Evaluation of Flextime/Compressed Work Programs and Their Impact on the Communications Industry" (1993). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 268.
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