All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Business Administration
infection, transmission, insurance, hospital, physician, drug
The cost of HIV/AIDS has great impact on individuals infected and upon society. The cost of health care continues to rise and HIV/AID cases are continuously spreading at a time of tight fiscal spending. The deadly virus is costly to the infected person directly and indirectly during various stages of the HIV-related illness. In addition to medical care cost, social economic factors and barriers are extremely costly to these individuals. State and federal spending has increased with the battle against AIDS. Biomedical research, public health measures, and patient care has risen millions of dollars. The nations approach to AIDS has been evolutionary. Social and political aspects of the matter have been a key to how it has been handled. Congress and the media have been instrumental in the recent growth in funds and attention paid to the problem. The national response to AIDS has pointed out a weakness in the system of combined private and public medical care financing that requires patients with AIDS to become impoverished before they are eligible for Medicaid. Many more people are left at financial risk since, when they become too ill to work they lose their health care coverage. A new mechanism to control the cost of health care was implemented through President Clinton’s 1994 health care proposal that called for government regulation of health care cost. These financing controls are monitored by a new task force called case managers. Case managers are responsible for providing quality care and containing cost.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Collins, Katherine Brown, "The Economic Consequences of HIV/AIDS on the Infected Person and Upon Society" (1995). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 186.
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