All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education & Allied Health

Degree Program

Collaborative High Impact Instruction


Education and Special Education

First Advisor

Dr. Jamie Doronkin

Second Advisor

Dr. Sarah Huisman

Third Advisor

Dr. Catherine Schroy

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Uma Soman


deaf, hearing loss, early intervention, caregivers, qualitative, parental experiences


While caregivers’ personal experiences in the newborn hearing screening and diagnosis period have been documented extensively in the literature, there has been limited investigation into their learning in early intervention. This qualitative study sought to understand the lived experiences of caregivers with young children with hearing loss who took part in early intervention services. To do this, 15 caregivers participated in semi-structured, in-depth, qualitative interviews. From these interviews, six themes were uncovered. The themes were: benefits of intervention, barriers to intervention and carry-over of learning, changes to interactions with child, areas of additional needs and wants, caregiver advocacy, and what-ifs. These themes were further divided into many subthemes that reflected the significant statements of the caregivers. Based on the findings, an organizational improvement plan was created to strengthen the areas of need as reflected in the study data.


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Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

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