All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Science (MS)


College of Education & Allied Health


Communication Disorders and Deaf Education

First Advisor

Margaret Guzzardo


prognosis, habilitation, program, orthopedic, therapy, condition, treatment


The understanding and cooperation of parents plays an important part in the treatment and management of children with cerebral palsy. In fact, Cardwell (1956) described the habilitation of the cerebral palsied as a family, not an individual problem. Several authors have commented that the parents exercise a degree of influence on the outcome of habilitation (Barsch, 1968; Cardwell, 1956). The parents' understanding of the nature of the disability, the meaning of the diagnosis, and the purpose of the treatment programs is crucial. However, Hersov "(1963) found that the majority of parents of cerebral palsied children did not appear to understand the nature of cerebral palsy, were confused as to the meaning of the diagnosis, the absence of a cure, and the poor prognosis. He found that only a small proportion of the parents felt they understood the nature and cause of the disability to their satisfaction. Bobath and Finnie (1970) also found that despite repeated advice on treatment, and training, there still remained a Lack of "understanding about the problems and needs of their children, which pointed to a lack of communication between parents and staff.

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